Karolina Adamczak
Opening, January 7th, 2025 , La Vida de La Muerte (The Life of The Death), Centre Civic Guinardo, Barcelona
Death is a lived experience that marks our existence and conditions our lives. It manifests itself in the greatest pain, showing the limits of language. It crushes, paralyzes, leaves even the living lifeless. The Life of The Death explores an emotional state of displacement, as death separates us from those we long for, from reality and from ourselves. The work investigates the unoccupied place, where absence becomes a form of presence and reveals itself in the desire for repetition. It also questions the meaning of existence and whether it ends with death.
The deaths of others are our own, it is the living that live them. We are what we incorporate from the other. We adapt the characteristics of those around us, that is why death is never singular. In turn, others internalize parts of us, taking with their departure a part of who we are and what we have shared. With the death of others, we lose external references and pillars that shape our identity. Thus, as we mourn the other, we mourn ourselves, as we experience our own deaths.
The work followed the production of the artist's previous work, The Death of The Death, which embraces mortality.